Sunday, June 29, 2008

Words Cannot Even Begin To Describe...

Last weekend. Glorious.  I can't even begin to place in words the incredibleness of it.  But here I am, attempting to write a blog about it so here goes.

Friday, I went Dallas to go to the Symphony at Meyerson Hall in Dallas.  It was beautiful.  The concert was filled with pieces from Chopin, Strauss and Tchaikosky.  And plus, it was also a chance to get dressed up and be all girly.  And if you know me, I'm a big fan of wearing a dress and walking around in high heels. 

Saturday morning I went to Plano and ran up to Stonebriar Mall with Mom, Dad and Grace.  We parked at Nordstrom's and my favorite shoe salesman was working that day: Matt Leonardo.  His face lit up when we came in.  Actually I bet we looked super awkward.  An entire family going together on a shopping expedition.  Ridiculous.  But it was good to see Matt.  Also, I got to use my discount at J Crew (50% off, holla) so that was pretty sweet too. 

After I left Stonebriar, I loaded my car up and drove up to Northpark to met up with Rachael, Tinsley and Laura.  We shopped around there for a bit, then headed to a vegetarian restaurant downtown Dallas.  We then went to Rachael's to get ready to go to Billy Bob's in Fort Worth.  When we hit the road to go to Fort Worth, it started to rain so we freaked out about our hair that we have spent working on at Rachael's.  But no worries, that's where umbrellas came in handy.  We got to Fort Worth, parked our cars at Stephen's (Stephen is one of my best friends that I grew up with that goes to TCU and let us crash at his house) and took Rachael's car to Billy Bob's.  We got a bit lost, but no worries.  We got to Billy Bob's just in time to see Hootie and the Blowfish.  

Billy Bob's was a blast! We danced and sang at the top of our lungs the majority of the time.  I don't care what people say.  Hootie and his Blowfish are a pretty rad band.  After we left Billy Bob's, I called Stephen and we met up with him and his friends at one of their apartments.  Hung out there for awhile and then went to Fuzzy's and got the most glorious nachos ever at 2:30 in the morning.  

I crashed at the end of Stephen's bed around 4 while Laura and Tinsley slept at the top.  We woke up around 11, got dressed, and headed out to get back to Waco.  Stephen was out cold on the couch so it was kinda awkward trying to wake him up and tell him that we were leaving.  I don't think he was too thrilled about a bunch of girls waking him up.  I thought that would be every guys fantasy though.  Maybe Stephen is one of those exceptions.  On the way out, when I was trying to close the door, I accidentally took out the door knob. haha, so I had to come back in and be like "stephen, I think I broke the door." haha, we ran up to Yogi's and had a wonderful breakfast of whole grain pancakes with bananas.  O yea, while we were at breakfast, Stephen called to give me directions from the breakfast back home to Waco.  This is why he is one of my best friends.  He knows that I am directionally challenged and is also ready to explain directions without the words north, east, south or west and just tells me left, right, straight and landmarks. 

The drive back to Waco was fun.  Tins and I sang at the top of our lungs to Christina.  All in all, it was the best weekend of the summer.  This post doesn't even begin to do justice.  A few random thoughts I want to add.

1.  Tinsley slapped a guy on the butt at Billy Bob's.
2.  I never got carded throughout the entire weekend.
3.  I never had to buy any of my drinks during the entire weekend. Score! 
4.  It's so fun to dance with complete strangers and have them tell you that "you guys are totally awesome!!!!"
5.  I love getting lost with my roommates.
6. I've never been so happy.

Thursday, June 26, 2008

"I Should Go Grab a Towel"

So Tins and I come into the apartment after going to the grocery store at like 10 because she needed organic peanut butter and i needed brownie baking ingredients.  Melissa and Jenny come over to her about Tinsley's date with the 24 year old man from Truett Seminary last night (o believe me. It's been the craziest summer ever for Tins and I.  That story itself is just the tip of the iceberg). but anyways, we are all sitting home in the apartment and we hear this dripping noise and long behold, our air-conditioning is dripping water!!! Tins and I don't know what to do.  There is mold on the door and it has been dripping for awhile but we never paid any attention to it. We put a towel on the floor, turned off the A/C, and wrote a request for Sergio.  It's now the temperature of outside in our apartment.  Sick Out. 

O yea, I'm totally into this whole triathalon now.  I love challenging myself everyday at the SLC.  Does anyone have any advice though, on how to train for this?  

Sunday, June 22, 2008

insert funny subject line here


Whew, it's Sunday afternoon and Waco is sunny and beautiful.  Tinsley and I just finished having breakfast at our cute little table in the kitchen.  She made cereal and I made pancakes with sprinkles (apparently no one else put sprinkles in their pancakes as a kid except for Grace and I).  During our breakfast, we have come to the conclusion that we wish we had studied abroad with all of our friends last semester.  And then it dawned on us.  Let's go travel for a month after we graduate and before we have to be actual adults! Anyone want to join?  We want to backpack all over Europe, packing as light as possible and taking as many pictures as possible.  Recipe for brillance? umm yes.

I took the Generalist EC-4 Exam yesterday morning at 8am.  Sick out, it was 110 questions long.  By the time I got to question 60, I was thinking "are you kidding, me?"  Now, the Generalist is no kicks and giggles.  It's everything ranging from Social Studies trivia that you should know from K-5th,  along with Math, Science, P.E., Art and Music content in those grades as well.  For the Literacy portion, you read a scenario and based on the grade level in the question, the TEKS that are presented in the question, the theorist that is being followed after by the teacher in the question (ie. Vgotsky, Piaget, Skinner) you pick the most logical answer.  It's not as black and white as you would wish, saying something like a math question.  It's more analytical.  

Fun story, though.  When I was in 3rd grade, I missed some school due to a flu illness and when I came back a few days later, I had to take a test in Science.  It covered material about clear prisms and what happens when light catches it and sends beams of rainbow colored lights through it.  I failed the test.  In 3rd grade, I thought to myself "why did i just take a test on stuff that I will never need to know" and long behold, yesterday on the generalist there was a question about the clear prisms used in a science lesson.  Little did I know that 12 years later, I would be at Baylor taking a Generalist to become certified as a teacher and that question would be on it! crazy.

Sunday, June 15, 2008

i'm sweating bullets

Today is one of my dad's favorite holidays.  I was in Dallas for the weekend, which was fun.  Never a dull moment at the Chambers.  One of my Gilmore cousins got engaged this weekend!!! So exciting, there is going to be two weddings next summer.  Mom and Grace left for Sunday school at 9 and my dad and I rode together to go to big church at 11 to met up with them.  For some reason, he likes to drive my car on the way to church instead of his own.  He tells me how he likes to do a mini-drive before I leave for Waco so he can see that it is running smoothly.  We got him Topsiders for dad's day.  He's such a frat star.  Today he had on his pink slacks and baby blue woven shirt.  If he were in college, he would totally be president of a frat, probably Kappa Sig.

I can't believe that it's already June 15th.  The summer is going by so quickly!  I have been busy with school, jcrew, and capital title.  I have been going home on the weekends to work at J Crew.  It is such a blast. All of my employees are in their 20's, and the majority of them are boys. hot.  They are so cute, all decked out in their skinny ties, vests, knackis and jack purcell's.  They are fun to flirt with too.  Whenever I have been working, it's just been me and 6 boys.  The rest of the "girls" are managers.  No worries, though.  I don't let them mess with me.  Last Sunday, I came to work with a madras skirt on, woven shirt and a tie.  The boys told me I was hot. Score! With just a dash of sass, i'm basically unstoppable. 


Thursday, June 12, 2008

Summertime girls have it going on...

It's Thursday. Whew. Crazy that tomorrow is Friday.  I'm going back to Dallas tomorrow to go work at the CREW.  A bunch of girls are going to road trip to Dallas to come visit me in my rockstar life.  Now, I should warn you, if you are considering to visit me at work, embrace yourself.  It's pretty ridiculous.  I'm always laughing, helping a customer and finding out some fun fact about them like they are a graduate from Baylor, risking my life in the shoe closet when I decide to climb the shelf to find a pair of stelletos instead of using the ladder, hearing a life story from one of my favorite co-workers, accidentally hanging up on a customer who is calling from another store, and frantically running around with a handful of clothes in my arms and trying to put them back neatly on the floor.

O PS! A week or so ago when I was working, I was knocking on doors in the dressing room area to see if people were in there.  I knocked on this one door and the person inside knocked back! haha, it was so hilarious.  Instead of saying "yes, i'm in here," they just knocked.  I almost went "who's there" and expect a joke.  Sadly, I didn't hear a punch line.

O fun thought.  Today I was at the SLC working out (aka. preparing for the triathalon that I've told many people about doing) and I was looking around at all of the people who were in there with me.  I was in there at 9am this morning and you know what? It takes dedication to get in there that early in the morning to get your workout in.  And then I thought, idea! What if instead of teaching, I could be a physical trainer of some sort and help people become healthy? I always worry about people who don't take care of themselves at a young age and unintentionally don't know what they are doing to their bodies now.   Wouldn't that be neat? It would also help me maintain a healthy life style so it's a win win situation. perfection.

Tuesday, June 10, 2008

Holla Waco.

So I've decided that I should begin working on my New Zealand project that is due a week from Thursday.  But I'm an profound procrastinator so I'm updating my blog instead.  

So this summer, I've been reminiscing over all of the wonderful memories from college.  It's finally starting to hit me how in just less than a year, I will be more than likely working in an elementary school. O M G!!!!! I'm not ready to leave college.  I absolutely love Baylor. Every aspect about it.  I love my friends, I love my roommates, I love how beautiful Baylor is at night, I love all of the hole in the wall restaurants in Waco, I love how small Waco is in the fact that you are more than likely to see someone you know wherever you go, I love going to the movies and the tickets only being $5, I love the HEB on wooded acres, I love SING, I love Baylor sports, I love the bears, I love Draper/LRC.  I could keep on going but it would take a lifetime to describe all my favorite things about Baylor.

With that being sad, a new chapter is about to begin. Post college. Now, the majority of me is saying "go teach in the Dallas area at an elementary school." But part of me also wants to go live abroad for a year and go teach English in a country like Thailand.  I still want to go abroad and experience life in a new lens.  I also want to teach in a developing nation.  Somewhere maybe in Central America.  Shoot, even a part of me wants to drop everything about education and go work in New York City in the corporate department for J Crew.  I also would love to do Teach for America.

I wish God would just shoot me an e-mail on what I'm supposed to do with my life.  A text message would even be great. 

I would love to hear yall's thoughts and commentary on this.  And if you are a senior at Baylor who is reading this, I know you are going through all of these same thoughts too, even if you are admitting it or not.

Thursday, June 5, 2008

Waco is a wonderful place

Hello Friends!

Right now, I'm sitting at the table that we talked Jenny into letting us keep in our apartment for awhile. It's the cutest table ever.  It fits perfectly in our kitchen.  Tins and I like to eat meals here and people watch outside.  It's just Tins and I living in the apartment for the month.  No worries though, Laura, Molly, Melissa, and Jenny come and visit often.  Molly and Marv moved the kitchen table out a few days ago.  Not going to lie.  It was sad.  There are SO many wonderful memories that go along with that table.  It was like a little part of the apartment was moving out and then it hit me, o my gosh.  We are ALL going to be moving out of this apartment in a year.  I'm not such if I'm ready for the next chapter in my life.  I'm pretty much in love with the book right now called college.  It's such a page turner.  There is constantly surprises, "o my gosh!" moments, laughs, tears, the whole thing.  It could definitely be a best seller.

I'm taking summer school. Geography 1301.  Here's a crazy notion. This class is my second to last class ever to take at Baylor. Next year, I am solely doing an internship for the entire year.  Instead of going to class like a regular bear, I am going to be teaching everyday at an elementary school.  I will do bus duties, lunch duties, parent teacher conferences, the whole shebang. It's pretty neat.  It's like I will be a real "Miss Chambers." Neat.  O but the other class that I'm going to be taking next fall is my ESL certification.  Apparently, it looks really stellar on the resume and in some school districts, there are in high demand for the ESL teachers so I could be hired quickly.  

Jenny, Tinsel and I are supposed to begin training for our triathlon.  I've been going to the gym everyday since I have been here and have been doing random things but I don't know if I'm doing any of the "right" things in order to prepare. Haha, I should probably get on that.