Saturday, March 21, 2009

I'm on going to write on my blog

I have wonderful news.  I got an A on my Teacher Work Sample (138 points correct out of 150.  If you divide that amount, it's a 92).  Teacher Work Sample is education's version of a thesis for all those U-Scholars and Honors kids out there who fingers are typing away at the moment before their big day comes.  My TWS ended up being a little over 60 pages.  I was thrilled.  A handful of my friends failed so the fact that I managed to pull off an A is miraculous.  This teaching thing is maybe meant to be.  

Last Wednesday, my kids took yet another practice TAKS Reading test.  The big day for these two tests is April 28th and 29th.  Tuesday we took a practice TAKS Math and somehow forgot that we were taking a practice TAKS Reading so when they came into the room and saying it on their assignment board, they let freak out screams.  Not going to lie, I would let them out too.  I do not enjoy TAKS at all.

Students were given their test, a quick pump up about remembering to use their strategies and to read every story twice if not three times.  While I was working on grading papers and job applications, one of my students raised their hand.  I walked over to him and stated that he was done.  It had merely been an hour and I thought he couldn't possibly be done unless he had done his very best work which for this one, he is notorious to racing through his work because he has it wrapped around his head that there is still a prize waiting at the end of the finish line for completing first.  I did not take the test from him until 11, 3 hours after the test was given.  He let out a grunt and I stated, "Do you want an A on this test?" And he apathetically stated, "I guess."  2 and half hours later, I picked up his test. 

This student made a 98.  The first time that he took it this semester, he got a 50.  A 48 point increase, not too shabby eh?

Lots of my students made A's.  It was beautiful.  Mrs. Humphrey and I were so excited.  I love when my students do well.

Next weekend is big.  I will be heading to Dallas for Teaching Job for Coppell, Plano, Highland Park and possibly Allen (if times permits).  This is where I will be meeting numerous principals from each elementary school in the districts there.  I'm nervous, not going to lie.  I'm crossing my fingers and toes for job interviews.  

Okay, that is all for now... I'm going to work on sending more cover letters and resumes to principals.  Enjoy today's beautiful weather.

Thursday, March 5, 2009

Really, REALLY?!!?!?!?

Hello all you readers out there that read the latest and greatest of my blog entries.

It is March 5th.  Scary thought, I know.  I'm sitting in my apartment relaxing, such a foreign word to this year.  I feel like I never really stop.  Even when I'm sleeping, I'm running through in my head what I have to do the next day.  

There are a stack of papers staring at me right now (my kids would say I found SMAPHO.  And I would receive a penny for that last sentence), waiting anxiously to see if they will receive any purple ink marks. (side note.  I don't like grading in red. I would rather grade in purple or green).

It is FINALLY Spring Break.  Today was the longest of days.  My kids had the jitters.  Nobody could sit down.  They received their progress reports for this nine weeks this week.  A good chunk of them aren't doing too hot.  Due to the fact that they never turn in their assignments.  Even daily assignments (you would think daily assignments would be easier to do.  We do it together in class.  The only task that they have is to follow along, ask questions when needed and turn it into the tray for their class period.  Apparently that is a hard task for a nine year.

The task of writing your name on your paper is hard too.  It's two words you have heard from day one and somehow we can't get the pencil on the top of the paper to write these down.  On average, when I'm grading 78 papers from them, I will have 14 that don't have names.  Having 78 students, there is no way that I can decipher their hand writings.  Especially when they are circling letter choices.  But o do they have attitudes when their work is missing.  These last two days, I would read off who had missing work and my kids would run up to me accusing me that I had lost their work or thrown it away. Then I would ask them to check their purple folder and wha-la, there it is, perfectly placed there as if the homework fairy had placed it there herself.  If the fairy didn't give them fairy dust, I run off extra copies for them to do.  They complain doing the same assignment twice but my statement is, would you rather have the zero or some credit?  

Next week, I'm headed to Seattle slash Vancouver with the roommates plus Jenny and Melissa.  I am SOOOOO EXCITED!  It is going to be so much fun traveling to another country together.

Favorite Quote from today

Miss Chambers asks student: "Where are you going for Spring Break?"
Student: "I'm going to Memphis to see Elvis."
(puzzled look on my face)
Student: "You know, the King of Rock and Roll?"