Friday, February 19, 2010

It Always Seems To Be The Little Things

This is for you, Christy. I'm going to update my blog and give you a snippet in my life of small adventures in a big city.

Tonight, we had a family dance at school. I brought Tinsley with me to school to meet my inquisitive fourth graders. There were so funny. My boys had no words to say except for the awkward wave from a nine year old but my girls were so chatting! They love to give hugs and drag me to dance with them. Is there anything better than dancing to T-Swift and doing the Cupid Shuffle with your loves? I never thought all of the little puzzle pieces of my dreams would match up so beautifully.

I love being at my school and learning more Spanish from the bilingual students than I ever learned at Baylor. I love the conversations I have with them, usually sentences begin with "Que paso?" and then they go into a long explanation. It's really neat. My usual question is "How many children/are you married.). O how I love seeing what life is like through the lens of a fourth graders. It's so entertaining.

Sunday, January 10, 2010

The Year Twenty Ten

Happy New Year!! I still cannot believe that it's 2010. I have found that this is my favorite year to write and practice writing it every chance I get.

A decade has passed since the big 2000 scare when everyone filled their bathtubs with water because we thought the world was coming to an end and now it's 2010. Crazy things have happened in this decade! To name off a few: graduating from high school and college, being accepted to PNB and going to Seattle to dance for an entire summer of absolute bliss, first boyfriends/first kisses, facebook/twitter/ipods/etc., learning to drive/getting my license, being a teacher/camp counselor/jcrew rockstar/escrow assistant/white house black market junkie/selling food at frisco rough riders ballpark... the list goes forever.

Like every start to a year, I compile a list of New Year's Resolutions. I confess, my lists of New Year's Resolutions are usually insanely long, but I'm an optimistic person and am a firm believer that "anything and everything is possible."

When I reflect back over the last year, I have learned how much I have grown as a person (not physically grown. Ironically, I have shed weight due to the "first year teacher" syndrome when I don't sit down long enough to eat a meal because I'm constantly planning/thinking/creating/ lessons and how to help my students learn). But by growing as a individual and learning more about myself and what I like/dislike. For example, these this last six months I never knew how much I really enjoy being organized, making sure everything has a home and being one step ahead of my schedule. Also, how much I enjoy good music that feds your soul, that lifts your spirits when you have had a crummy day and being able to have every fiber of your being dance. It's glorious.

But back to New Year's Resolutions, my list has so far...

1) Take Ballet classes again
2) Read more (I'm on my fourth book since November, not too shabby for my track record. But teachers are supposed to be readers, right?)
3) Go on a mission trip to a country where they speak Spanish and teach them to use the resources they have to teach their kids
4) Cook more often
5) Run another 5K with my dad
6) Continue refining my teaching tactics
7) Safe money in order to travel to places I have dreamed of going to

Still a long list of resolutions, there are more that I'm forgetting. O well, what's wrong with a long resolution list? haha