Thursday, June 26, 2008

"I Should Go Grab a Towel"

So Tins and I come into the apartment after going to the grocery store at like 10 because she needed organic peanut butter and i needed brownie baking ingredients.  Melissa and Jenny come over to her about Tinsley's date with the 24 year old man from Truett Seminary last night (o believe me. It's been the craziest summer ever for Tins and I.  That story itself is just the tip of the iceberg). but anyways, we are all sitting home in the apartment and we hear this dripping noise and long behold, our air-conditioning is dripping water!!! Tins and I don't know what to do.  There is mold on the door and it has been dripping for awhile but we never paid any attention to it. We put a towel on the floor, turned off the A/C, and wrote a request for Sergio.  It's now the temperature of outside in our apartment.  Sick Out. 

O yea, I'm totally into this whole triathalon now.  I love challenging myself everyday at the SLC.  Does anyone have any advice though, on how to train for this?  

1 comment:

laura said...

oh no! and do i know all about this crazy summer? i know about your craziness, but is there more craziness with tins i am not aware of?